Hi, I am Andrew Dutton, a Multimedia Designer. I created this blog to accompany my website: www.dutton-design.co.uk

I will update regulary with new work, doodles, influences and all manner of other things so keep checking back.

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Land Rover FC101

Another Freelance project i am working on at the moment is on a Land Rover FC101 that is being converted into a self sustainable camper that is going to tour europe for months at a time. The guy found me through my major project i completed at uni: Domus Mobile Compact Home on the tiny house blog, (link below if you want to read about that to)


We are just fleshing out some rough sketches at the moment which i will upload once completed. Its really good to be using some of the finding of my dissertation on a real vehicle with real constraints.

Keep checking back for more updates


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