Hi, I am Andrew Dutton, a Multimedia Designer. I created this blog to accompany my website: www.dutton-design.co.uk

I will update regulary with new work, doodles, influences and all manner of other things so keep checking back.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Matte Painting

I love how one inspiration can lead to another and after looking into the Madison Gregory style of portraits last week and firing up the old graphic tablet i started doing a lot of reading, and viewing of Matte Painting.
I found some really good resources out there on the web and found some brilliant reference imagery.
Just to dip my toe in the water i started out using some concept art that was created for Mirrors Edge 2 on the PS3.

Then armed with the rest of my imagery i set about destroying the radiant views of futuristic Tokyo and this is where i arrived.
I only spent a short while on it as i wanted it to be as sketchy and loose as possible. The idea was to create an evil overlords HQ in the middle of the destroyed city with a lone soldier keeping watch over the raised entrance.

Comments as always are welcome,


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