Hi, I am Andrew Dutton, a Multimedia Designer. I created this blog to accompany my website: www.dutton-design.co.uk

I will update regulary with new work, doodles, influences and all manner of other things so keep checking back.

Friday 6 May 2011

HemiCat - Update

Well its Been a while since I heard anything about the HemiCat I worked on last August.

Just a quick reminder of my previous posts here: http://dutton-design.blogspot.com/2010/08/klassic-rides-hemicat.html

Well the boys over at Klassic Rides have been hard at work and the car is looking radically different and the doner car is in place.

I feel really proud to have been a part of such a project and am looking forward to seeing the finished product.

keep up to date with the build at: http://www.klassicrides.com/1949%20Jaguar.htm



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