Hi, I am Andrew Dutton, a Multimedia Designer. I created this blog to accompany my website: www.dutton-design.co.uk

I will update regulary with new work, doodles, influences and all manner of other things so keep checking back.

Thursday 2 June 2011


May had been a month of new things for me.

I started a new job and have been introduced to Autodesk Showcase 2011. It is very similar in style and result to 3Ds Max which i have used since University, but a whole lot better!

I went on Youtube to watch some tutorials and came accross another program called Mudbox which is a free form modelling package that is more intuitive like actual clay sculpting as opposed to Alias and 3Ds which can be a bit restrictive.

If only this package was availble to me while i was at uni!

Watch the Mudbox tutorial here. All i need to do now is practice.


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