Hi, I am Andrew Dutton, a Multimedia Designer. I created this blog to accompany my website: www.dutton-design.co.uk

I will update regulary with new work, doodles, influences and all manner of other things so keep checking back.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Mudbox Alien

I have been having a play with Mudbox creating an Alien from Concept Designs 2 created by Neville Page the concept designer responsable for Avatar and Hulk.

I am still in the early stages and aim to keep chipping away on it in the evenings.

The level of detail you can go into is truely amazing and you can get really fluid strokes using the graphic tablet. I have been watching lots of tutorials on the painting segment of the program which opens up a whole new can of worms.

More updates to follow!

Thanks for looking,


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