Hi, I am Andrew Dutton, a Multimedia Designer. I created this blog to accompany my website: www.dutton-design.co.uk

I will update regulary with new work, doodles, influences and all manner of other things so keep checking back.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Mudbox Alien

I have been having a play with Mudbox creating an Alien from Concept Designs 2 created by Neville Page the concept designer responsable for Avatar and Hulk.

I am still in the early stages and aim to keep chipping away on it in the evenings.

The level of detail you can go into is truely amazing and you can get really fluid strokes using the graphic tablet. I have been watching lots of tutorials on the painting segment of the program which opens up a whole new can of worms.

More updates to follow!

Thanks for looking,


Thursday 2 June 2011


May had been a month of new things for me.

I started a new job and have been introduced to Autodesk Showcase 2011. It is very similar in style and result to 3Ds Max which i have used since University, but a whole lot better!

I went on Youtube to watch some tutorials and came accross another program called Mudbox which is a free form modelling package that is more intuitive like actual clay sculpting as opposed to Alias and 3Ds which can be a bit restrictive.

If only this package was availble to me while i was at uni!

Watch the Mudbox tutorial here. All i need to do now is practice.


Friday 6 May 2011

HemiCat - Update

Well its Been a while since I heard anything about the HemiCat I worked on last August.

Just a quick reminder of my previous posts here: http://dutton-design.blogspot.com/2010/08/klassic-rides-hemicat.html

Well the boys over at Klassic Rides have been hard at work and the car is looking radically different and the doner car is in place.

I feel really proud to have been a part of such a project and am looking forward to seeing the finished product.

keep up to date with the build at: http://www.klassicrides.com/1949%20Jaguar.htm



Thursday 5 May 2011

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Milky Way Wonderment

Not much needs to be said really, wowzers trousers. You can spend as much time as your like on Photoshop and After Effects but you would never be able to replicate this!

The Mountain from Terje Sorgjerd on Vimeo.


Wednesday 13 April 2011

3D coming to a tablet near you

Here is a video of an app that is currently in development, the possibilities for this are endless, and because it works based on movement there is no need for any ridiculous glasses.


Brilliant Advert from Norway

Found this advert on my travels for faster 4G internet. Made me chuckle.



Celebs with Steve Buscemi’s eyes

I Came accross a post entitled 'Celebs with Steve Buscemi’s eyes' on one of my favourite sites.

If i had to pick a favourite it would have to be this one! Enjoy


Friday 8 April 2011

3D Adidas Advert

Following on from last Augusts Samsung 3D advert, Adidas have produced this masterpiece. I would love to see what goes into making these. Genius!


Thursday 31 March 2011

Libyan Man

Sick of painting Scarlett Johansen and other women I have been searching for a more interesting subject.
After painting (and prediciting) an apocalyptic image of Japan, i have stuck with the theme and painted something very current. Over the past week there has been lots of harrowing images of Libya as Gaddafi and the Rebels tear it to pieces.

For this image i showed the effect the uprising has on the average man. I picked my reference and set about shopping it.

Let me know what you think.


Tuesday 22 March 2011

TAG Heuer Monaco Vintage Limited Edition

and going on from my last post...what a watch.

I thought i would have a look at how much i could get one for and a cool £3500 will get you 1 of 2500 made. It is a thing of beauty though.

I love McQueens view on wearing the watch.
To give added authenticity to the Porsche 917 Gulf driving scenes in the movie, McQueen insisted on wearing the Monaco chronograph because the just-out chronograph was considered the most authentic car-racing watch on the circuit. A sport and glamour legend was born


Steve McQueen - The king of cool

Saw a Tag Heuer watch advert with the iconic Steve McQueen in Le Mans as the main image.
I love that film, especially the opening sequence, no one can do silence like McQueen. In homage i produced this, tried to be really lose around the background and his overalls and focus tight in on his facial features.

and incase you have never seen it:


Friday 18 March 2011

And another one...

I got into this and did another one at night. Just a simple black and white, learning the basics of simple shading, suggestion and tonal contrasts again. Really need to do some sketches now rather than just sticking to photoshop.


Thursday 17 March 2011

Portrait with new PS brushes

Been trying out some new brushes with my Graphics Tablet and overlaying them on some really well shot imagery. Here is one i knocked up on my lunch break.


Thursday 10 February 2011

Matte Painting

I love how one inspiration can lead to another and after looking into the Madison Gregory style of portraits last week and firing up the old graphic tablet i started doing a lot of reading, and viewing of Matte Painting.
I found some really good resources out there on the web and found some brilliant reference imagery.
Just to dip my toe in the water i started out using some concept art that was created for Mirrors Edge 2 on the PS3.

Then armed with the rest of my imagery i set about destroying the radiant views of futuristic Tokyo and this is where i arrived.
I only spent a short while on it as i wanted it to be as sketchy and loose as possible. The idea was to create an evil overlords HQ in the middle of the destroyed city with a lone soldier keeping watch over the raised entrance.

Comments as always are welcome,


Friday 4 February 2011

Madison Gregory: Update

So i had a play around with a few photo's last night, found some really good tutorials and mixed up some styles to create these:

This was a panoremic scene i took on my very first morning in iceland at sunrise. I really like this picture and have wanted to do something with it since i took it. The colours have not been tweaked in any way, i have just applied a canvas look and a chunky oil look to it.

This was trying to stick more with the classic look that Madison Gregory achieves. I found my model, Scarlett Johansson in this case and really muted the colours back, blurred out exterior features but focuses closely on the eyes, creating deep contrast and adding exaggerated colour to really lift the piece. Finally i added some loose sketchy lines using my graphics tablet to loosen the style up and move it away from a photographic image. I am really happy with how these have turned out and will be producing many more...I now just have to stop looking at pictures of Scarlett Johansson.

Thanks for looking,


Thursday 3 February 2011

Madison Gregory

Came across this website today while on my web travels.


It's been a while since i have painted, but i really like this use of oil's and immediately set about producing some photoshop variants of my own using some of my own images and some sourced on the internet.

I love the individual layers that are created with thick oil, it gives the very subtle and muted colours real depth.

I will be updating shortly with a few of my own efforts, although i havent attneded fine art college like this man so dont expect to much!


Saturday 15 January 2011

Gran Turismo 5 Photomode

I got Gran Turismo 5 for christmas and have been really enjoying the photo mode on it.

It really teaches you a lot about control of a high end camera, even if its virtual. There are full controls of aperture, shutter speed, light levels and filters. Now i need to apply this to my real life photography. I took a lot of photos when i went to see the Le Mans 24 Hours, and motorsport photography is not easy at all. I think i will stick to GT5 for now.

Here is a sample shot of a Ford Focus, modelled on my own!
